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The State of the Site

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Hey guys – I know things have been a little crazy on the site recently. Due to a number of issues with the previous web host and domain registrar, things started to break and I was forced to move the site.

SSL, RSS feeds, broken plug ins – it’s been fun, but I think things are working better now.

There may still be some bumps along the way as I get things settled on the back end, but I wanted to get it fixed up before the next and final chapter was started up. I’m also hoping to post more frequent updates about things as I can, but thank you all for your patience.


~~ Allison

News and Upcoming Kickstarter!

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Hey guys! Sorry for all the radio silence and whatnot, but things have been a bit crazy (as they have for everyone.)

At any rate, if you haven’t heard, Fox & Willow were recently acquired by Outland Entertainment and they’re going to help us bring F&W into print and into bookstores/comic book shops! To that end, we are running a Kickstarter, (July 7) to help jumpstart the costs, so check back soon for the link.

We can’t wait to bring F&W to you!

Sad Sausage Dog Patreon Updates

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Just a quick post to mention our Patreon tiers have been officially updated! In an effort to streamline the process we now have three tiers – bronze, silver and gold (or $1, $5 and $10 for simplicity).

What do you get?

$1 – gets you access to F&W page process videos, early pages (yes, we’re still doing 2 x a week, but patrons are gonna get pages as we finish them, so more story, faster!).

$5 – all the $1 stuff, plus wallpapers, doodles 2x a week and process vids of those doodles. (And you can make requests for those doodles and wallpapers – any fandom is open and available.)

$10 – all the other goodies, plus once a week FANCY full color doodles, process vids of those doodles, Fox & Willow extras like sketches and inked pages. You can also make requests for all doodle and wallpaper types.

Also, since we’re off for a few weeks as we prep the next chapter, we will be posting some design sketches, etc of the new characters at the $1 tier level, so if you’re interested in things like that, come join us!

Future plans? (Timeframe TBD)

Of course! We have a new webcomic coming (one that is much shorter than F&W and will hopefully be completed before we post it all, just partially in the works at the moment) – but we would like to post snippets and pages of that on Patreon as well.

AND – Aimo will be presening her OWN comics – her characters, her story. Though some of the roughs will end up on her social media accounts, finished pages will ONLY be available through the Patreon.

We haven’t determined exactly how we’re going to present those, but they are in the works and we look forward to sharing them with you!

Thanks for all your continued support!

Brief Hiatus

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Hey guys,

Just a quick FYI to let you know we are on a brief hiatus for a couple of weeks – Aimo has a pretty severe case of tendonitis in her drawing hand and we decided it would be best to let her rest it up and heal properly before digging into the epilogue/next chapter.

Thanks for understanding – we will be back soon!


~~ Allison & Aimo

Support Changes

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Hey guys – just a quick note that we have changed up our Patreon tiers. In order to streamline the process we’ve reduced the tiers to three – Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Basically we’re playing around with a number of formats – including the possibility of moving to a pay-for-page option. We haven’t come to a decision on that yet – but between Tapastic’s recent shenanigans involving possible IP grabs (said clause has been removed from the TOS but it still makes us uneasy) and the fact that we *really* want to make more comics, the only way we can justify that is if our income increases. We’re still looking at print copies, but that involves a *lot* of extra time as we need to rescan/redraw a number of the pages so it’s slow going, especially as we are continuing to create new content at the same time.

That being said the new Patreon tiers are as follows:

Bronze: $1/month – gets you access to page process videos and our everlasting thanks. (And if we go to a pay for page, this will keep you covered – you’d get the pages on time on Patreon instead of having to wait until we posted them here at whatever time frame we decide…)

Silver: $5/month – access to the page process videos, wallpapers, simple B&W doodles 2x a week like the one of Gideon in this post – Aimo will be opening the doodles to include any character from any fandom.

Gold: $10/month – everything in the silver/bronze tiers, plus access to raw page sketches and inks, the ability to make character requests for the doodles, process videos of the doodles and a (hopefully) weekly color picture.

Basically, we really want to continue making this comic, but after 5 years and 500 pages we need some additional support. So, we’re simply asking for a little help – if you enjoy this comic and you’d like to see it continue, please consider heading over to Patreon and signing up.

Thank you

~~ Allison and Aimo

Upcoming LiveStream!

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We recently reached a Patreon goal, and the upcoming livestream is your reward!

Be thinking of what you’d like to see Aimo draw (preferably Fox & Willow specific) – we are open to suggestions!

Please note, this livestream is only available to our patrons – additional information regarding time and location will be posted on our Patreon page at a later date.

(Go here if you’re interested in contributing – access to the livestream only costs $1!)

Thanks again for your support.

~ Aimo & Allison