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The State of the Site

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Hey guys – I know things have been a little crazy on the site recently. Due to a number of issues with the previous web host and domain registrar, things started to break and I was forced to move the site.

SSL, RSS feeds, broken plug ins – it’s been fun, but I think things are working better now.

There may still be some bumps along the way as I get things settled on the back end, but I wanted to get it fixed up before the next and final chapter was started up. I’m also hoping to post more frequent updates about things as I can, but thank you all for your patience.


~~ Allison

News and Upcoming Kickstarter!

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Hey guys! Sorry for all the radio silence and whatnot, but things have been a bit crazy (as they have for everyone.)

At any rate, if you haven’t heard, Fox & Willow were recently acquired by Outland Entertainment and they’re going to help us bring F&W into print and into bookstores/comic book shops! To that end, we are running a Kickstarter, (July 7) to help jumpstart the costs, so check back soon for the link.

We can’t wait to bring F&W to you!

Brief Hiatus

3 Comments on Brief Hiatus

Hey guys,

Just a quick FYI to let you know we are on a brief hiatus for a couple of weeks – Aimo has a pretty severe case of tendonitis in her drawing hand and we decided it would be best to let her rest it up and heal properly before digging into the epilogue/next chapter.

Thanks for understanding – we will be back soon!


~~ Allison & Aimo

New Chapter Next Week

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fox13 Just a quick note to say we’ll be back next week with the new chapter of Fox & Willow.


We apologize for the delays – vacations and holidays sorta got in the way 😉

(Plus I ended up writing the script, hating it and RE-writing it, so you know. Creative issues.)

Anyway, thanks so much for continuing to stick with us – we appreciate it so much!


(Also, we may need a couple of hard core fans to volunteer a little time in the next month or so for a sekret project, so be on the lookout!)

Redbubble Store

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redbubbleHey guys – so based on a number of comments we received about the last few pages (publicly and privately) we’ve gone ahead and opened a Redbubble store where you can buy some of those pages as prints and other goodies, along with additional Fox & Willow artwork.

Please check it out and let us know what you think and don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s something else you’d like to see!


~~ Aimo & Allison

Fox & Willow on Tapastic

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f&b-buttonIn an effort to give our readers additional options, we’re happy to announce that we are now making page updates on Tapastic.

Now – we’re in the process of catching up to where we are on the website, but once we’ve got all the pages uploaded, we will be updating the Tapastic site with two pages a week  every Friday.

The beauty of Tapastic is that there is an app – both for iDevices and Android – it formats the pages pretty nicely and if you create a Tapastic account and subscribe, you’ll be notified when the comic is updated.

Yay convenience! 🙂

RSS Feed Update

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rssA little site update here about our RSS feeds and email subscriptions.

I’m sure many of you are aware that Google will be discontinuing its Feed Reader as of July 1. This is a major bummer for a number of reasons, but particularly for readers of web comics who might not have time to go to all their favorites every day.  So, for those of you who use a feed reader, you might want to look at an alternate like Feedly.

For a web-comic specific reader, I’ve heard Comic Rocket is pretty good – Fox & Willow does feed into it, so that might be a good alternative.

This brings me to the second part of this post, which is that I’ve changed our RSS feeds from Feedburner to Feedblitz.

So bear with me if you are a subscriber and you get duplicates for a day or so – hopefully not. >_<

I’m giving a mega shout-out to Phil over at Feedblitz for 1) having perfect directions set up and 2) helping me to troubleshoot when I had some issues. I think this is going to be a great product and I’m very appreciative at having such great response time.

Anyway, I’ve got some redirections in place, but should you wish to move over on your own power, this is the new RSS feed URL:

Mail subscribers should have been moved over to the new list already, but if not, here’s where you need to go:

Eventually I will be turning the Feedburner feeds off, so please update your feed readers accordingly.
