A little site update here about our RSS feeds and email subscriptions.
I’m sure many of you are aware that Google will be discontinuing its Feed Reader as of July 1. This is a major bummer for a number of reasons, but particularly for readers of web comics who might not have time to go to all their favorites every day. So, for those of you who use a feed reader, you might want to look at an alternate like Feedly.
For a web-comic specific reader, I’ve heard Comic Rocket is pretty good – Fox & Willow does feed into it, so that might be a good alternative.
This brings me to the second part of this post, which is that I’ve changed our RSS feeds from Feedburner to Feedblitz.
So bear with me if you are a subscriber and you get duplicates for a day or so – hopefully not. >_<
I’m giving a mega shout-out to Phil over at Feedblitz for 1) having perfect directions set up and 2) helping me to troubleshoot when I had some issues. I think this is going to be a great product and I’m very appreciative at having such great response time.
Anyway, I’ve got some redirections in place, but should you wish to move over on your own power, this is the new RSS feed URL: https://feeds.feedblitz.com/sadsausagedogs
Mail subscribers should have been moved over to the new list already, but if not, here’s where you need to go: https://www.feedblitz.com/f/?Sub=887819
Eventually I will be turning the Feedburner feeds off, so please update your feed readers accordingly.