…awww. And there we go. Mystery earrings solved, with a side order of tears!
So that wraps up our Blinded By the Light storyline, but have no fear, we are coming back in a few weeks (mid-late October) with an all new chapter, entitled The Better to See You With! And this is the chapter you have all been waiting for, I’m sure. The secrets are all coming out on this one – and we’ll have to see if our favorite girl and fox can manage to survive it all.
(To be frank, it was a very difficult chapter draft to write up – for a number of reasons. If you all thought BBtL had feels? Oh, my friends, no. No. I was bawling by the end of it.)
That being said, we are going to be dropping some teasers and what not on our Patreon in the meantime – a sort of invite into our process. So we’ll have some character sketches and design elements if you’re interested in taking a look at that. (It will be available for all our $1 patrons and up.) Also, we will still be continuing to post two pages a week here, but patrons will be getting those pages a little earlier (as we do them, as opposed to the schedule).
Thanks for all your support the last few years and we hope you continue reading!