Came a Harper ~ Page 1
So here we are finally with the first page of Fox & Willow…and the first chapter, which is obviously Came A Harper. We hope you enjoy the story! Polite feedback is always welcome.
So here we are finally with the first page of Fox & Willow…and the first chapter, which is obviously Came A Harper. We hope you enjoy the story! Polite feedback is always welcome.
LOOT ALL THE BODIES! And yeah, our fox spirit is a bit obnoxious. But he’s probably got reason to be. Probably.
The plot thickens… (This is the part where my law enforcement husband goes “WTF! Why is she just taking the stuff and leaving the body?” and all my gaming friends are like “LOLZ. Business as usual.”)
Author’s Note: I actually had a tough time with the next few pages – I’m fairly anti-narration (or at least I think it should be used sparingly), and the original pages had no narrative at all – but after the pages were done, I realized they definitely needed a little more explanation. Just a little,… Continue reading Came a Harper ~ Page 5
For some odd reason if I don’t add a bit of text here, the RSS feed doesn’t pick up the images correctly. (So I’ll try to make sure I add real commentary for each page as we go.) Something interesting happening on this page, so keep an eye out. 😉
A certain fox just has no manners at all. >_<
Oh, Jessa. Y U so creepy?? ;3;